Hackers are people who study, analyze, and then when it wants, can create, modify, or even exploit the system contained in a device such as computer software and computer hardware such as computer programs, administrative and other matters, particularly security
Terminology of hackers emerged in the early 1960's among the members of student organizations, Tech Model Railroad Club at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The student group is one of the pioneering developments in computer technology and they are struggling with a number of mainframe computers. The English word "hacker" first appeared in a positive sense to describe a member who has expertise in the field of computers and computer programs are able to make better than that has been designed together.
Then in 1983, began a negative connotation the term hacker.Because, in that year for the first time the FBI arrested a group of computer criminals 414s based in Milwaukee, United States. 414 is their local area code. The group that came to be called hackers are convicted of burglary 60 computer, the computer's Cancer Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering's computer to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. One of the perpetrators enjoy immunity as testimonials, while five other players get probation.
Then in the next development comes another group mention themselves as hackers, but it is not. They are (especially men) who get the satisfaction of breaking through to outsmart the computer and telephone (phreaking). Real hackers call these people crackers and do not like to hang out with them. Real hackers crackers as people are lazy, irresponsible, and not too smart. Real hackers do not agree to say that through the security has become hackers.
The hackers annual meeting, which is any mid-July in Las Vegas.The session's biggest hacker in the world is called Def Con. Def Con event to event is more exchange of information and technology related to hacking activities.
Hacker has a negative connotation because people will be differences in terms of hackers and crackers. Many people understand that peretaslah resulting in loss of certain parties such as changing the look of a web site (defacing), inserting the virus code, and others, although they are a cracker. Cracker is using the vulnerabilities that have not been repaired by the manufacturer software (bugs) to infiltrate and damage a system. For this reason the hackers usually understood is divided into two categories: White Hat Hackers, the true hackers and crackers are often referred to as Black Hat Hackers.
Sources: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker
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