Sunday, March 11, 2012

android vs blackberry, which would you choose?


  BlackBerry handsets have been phenomenal in the country. But Android with a variety of price variance, 
 could crush the BlackBerry's popularity. The signs of the success of Android phones are starting to look obvious. Group Head of Brand Marketing Indosat True Prasetya Android phones are sure to exceed the BlackBerry.    The reason, Android could be targeting all levels of society as it is supported many variants of the price. 
 "Since the influx of BlackBerry, the 2008 starts to look like the smart phone with an online system 
 24 hours. We are optimistic Android 
 could experience the same success, "he said when contacted. This is because excess android is obviously much different than the BlackBerry. Where Android Blackberry superior customer response to the Android phone has been very high.    Since offers preorder on February 22 last year, the company has released 
 1000 Android handsets from various brands. The company also managed to sell about 2,000 handsets now 
 7 city tour. In fact, many observers are sure in the year 2011, ready to drown Android Blackberry. It's a very tragic sunguh term for Blackberry users especially those loyal to the Blackberry.    "Until the end of this year we are targeting 100 thousand handsets. We are optimistic to see the response 
 people like that, "said True. Android phones have much to offer at a price of under $ 2 million. Firmly believes this type of handset will also be bundling 
 threaten China's mobile phone. Gadgets and Mobile Android phone bundling China has a different segment 
 although prices are not much different. Indonesia market, says True, so diverse that it is possible China's mobile phone can also be marketed with Android.    Thus, although the Android phones marketed in the scope and variety of brands, but still consumer demand. True said the lack of current Android Operating System because it is still difficult to find in the market. "We see that the people of Indonesia easily accept something new, so I think Android is not something that is not acceptable to them," he added.    To encourage sales, according to True, Indosat carries some specific strategies.
 Indosat provides Android-based smartphones with a variety of price levels. While the availability of a variety of devices, and comes with unlimited broadband services in the form of both postpaid and prepaid. "We also have Indosat Android Community. Here, the users of the service are able to interact with each other 
. There was also a Android Application Store or A-Store, "he said.    One of the many Android handset is the Samsung consumer purchased. Head of Dept Business HHP Hioe An Kin Samsung Android Samsung successful product estimates 
 as fits in the pocket. "The features that we provide appropriate that consumers want and not 
 less with higher prices," he added.    He hopes to sefenomenal Android BlackBerry. However, for short, Android is not going to beat a BlackBerry, because it is still in the stage of introduction. "The handset is also still not too much, there are still equal and there are some more expensive than the BlackBerry. For the next three months, I think it is still in the stage of introduction, though indeed I think the public reaction has been very good, "he added.    But as soon as Kin said Hioe An Android at the end of the year already flooded with the requirements of all parties can promote their products 
 optimal. "I think Android handsets have varied when it started," he explained. He explained in 2008, most people do not think BlackBerry could be as successful now. But now it turns out the BlackBerry can be so famous. "In fact a lot of gadgets that try to resemble or promotion with the name 
 BlackBerry as a benchmark.    It shows if the matter of mobile phone technology or the people of Indonesia 
 was very positive, "he said"

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